Monday, November 15, 2010

Work Ethic

Work ethic.  It's important to have good work ethic.  In my opinion, good work ethic involves doing what needs to be done as well as possible and everything should be completely finished.  Nothing should be left undone for someone else to do, because chances are, they won't do it.  Before staff leaves the barn and call it a day, ALL stalls should be completely done, waters should be topped off, horses should be brought in and fed, and the aisles should be swept.  That's a good day's work.  Having the barns nice like that is something to be proud of.  It's so satisfying to be able to look at everything and know that you made it like that.  Some people don't seem to get that sense of satisifaction.  They would rather let other people do all the work.  But then again, I guess there are alot of people like that in life.  It's just something you have to get used to.

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